Genre: Supernatural (UFO), Agency thriller
Production: Series Script
Compares: The X-Files
Shooting: 2024/5
Location: USA/Worldwide
Release: 2025
Intro video
TV Deck: Click Here
Characters: Click Here
Pilot Script: Click Here
The show opens with an incredible UFO crash retrieval in Peru during March 1997, by army personnel. As the personnel approach the craft they experience telepathic communication with the ETs just as the black ops & biohazard suits arrive and cover-up the incident taking the army personnel in for interrogation.
In a world where UFO phenomena and government secrets collide, a chain of events is set into motion after Mr. Sinclair receives a mysterious envelope at the secret on-site house at The Pentagon.
Back in Washington he joins forces with Zack Orion and Carlos Ramirez to unveil astonishing UAP videos captured by Navy pilots. Meanwhile, Air Force Captain Ethan Chambers is offered a remarkable opportunity to investigate celestial anomalies as the representative of the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force.
Flashbacks take us to a pivotal moment in 1992, where Dr. Alan Cooper’s E.T. group meeting is interrupted by hostile agents hinting at a sinister UFO cover-up. Fast-forward to the present day….
an ex-military intelligence whistleblower faces a pivotal moment before a panel of influential congress members dedicated to ending the UFO secrecy.
As the first season progresses, Dr. Cooper’s journey through the UFO timeline on Earth, sheds a disturbing light on the hidden history of these covert ‘Beyond Black’ agencies…as a strike force on these locations is organized in secret by the FBI.
The UFO expert team continues to brief Congress with highly classified whistleblower testimonies and top secret, leaked information that they have been entrusted with. Whilst being followed, threatened and bribed by shadowy top level military staff and cabal members, our protagonists manage to assemble a close-knit network of pentagon officials, present day members of congress, ex CIA ops, UN leaders and other heads of foreign intelligence to plan a global disclosure movement.
Against all odds, our team of UFO experts convince them to help publicly disclose the truths about suppressed zero-point energy, recovered ET spacecraft technology and psionic mind-control…
…methods to finally expose members of the military industrial complex and these highly
illegal clandestine programs.
As they get deeper into this game of secrets they uncover the real truths about the assassination of JFK, Marilyn Monroe & Nicola Tesla and how deep the rabbit hole really goes! We start to learn how important this information is to finally get out to the public as humanity could be thriving on free ‘zero-point energy’ technology that has been kept
secret for so long.
But, we quickly learn that different factions of the shadow government will do anything to keep their secrets from finally being released to the public….Simultaneously, Captain Chambers investigates secret bases exposed by a massive hack, leading him to a covert private army and an encounter with a UFO Black Ops team in Indonesia.
Driven by a burning desire to uncover the truth, Captain Chambers confronts his superiors and delves deeper into a dangerous world where truth and power collide.
The pilot episode climaxes in Antarctica, where a group of ex-military ‘Deep State’ army men surveil a staggering number of UFOs, hinting at an imminent threat to the planet…or are they the false flag threat?
Throughout the series, alliances shift, loyalty is tested, and the boundaries of reality blur for Captain Chambers. The viewers are exposed to covert operations, hidden agendas, and a clandestine power that controls vast resources.
With haunting scenes of JFK’s assassination and the voice over of his famous secret society speech, two weeks before his death, we see a montage of the shadow government & black operations at work with scenes of wet works, interrogation,
men in black, UFO crash retrievals called “The Legacy Program” and confined alien creatures, it seems the truth remains buried but is now slowly, unravelling in this gripping political supernatural thriller:
“Deep State”.